Thursday, February 26, 2015

Glitterpoop at Oakwood Valley

Watch out, Beardog! That's glitterpoop!

It makes me chuckle to think that there is a person out there who does this. He or she embarks on their regular hike at Oakwood Valley with a glitter dispenser and a keen eye for rogue dog poops. Those that catch his or her eye get a little sprinkle. 

I have only seen this here, on this particular Marin County trail, and I have seen it done for a few years. 

Is this:
1) A citizen's arrest of sorts, calling out irresponsible dog owners who don't tend their pets' excrement?

2) art/protest?

3)  another form of littering?

You decide. 


  1. Bullshit!
    Sadly, it was I.
    Gottit out.
    God bless your indelible soul.

  2. Bullshit!
    Sadly, it was I.
    Gottit out.
    God bless your indelible soul.
