Monday, November 26, 2012

Fiber Monday

I can't be the only one who's cleverly thought of this phrase to describe what today's eating habits should be after the Thanksgiving weekend eating binge. I hereby declare that we consider "Fiber Monday" a healthy lifestyle alternative to Cyber Monday.

You may have been expecting a photo of a bowl of oatmeal, beans, grits, or Cream-of-Wheat, but after searching the archives, I'm going with a nature photo.

I took this picture of meadow barley (Hordeum brachyantherum) during a contemplative stroll through a gorgeous meadow on Sweeney Ridge in June a few years ago. I indulged in a catnap shortly after snapping this.

The nodding flower heads are the native meadow barley, and, as least as far as I can tell, the straight ones are those of Italian rye grass, an exotic species known to invade California grasslands. It seems meadow barley has a strong foothold here.

Hordeum brachyantherum, Sweeney Ridge, 2010.

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